How should employers manage stress with remote workers?
Employers overriding duty to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work for all employees is difficult when the employees can only be observed remotely. However, it is not impossible, there are things you can do to help. Such as train managers to look out for signs of stress, communicate the need to take regular breaks, introduce wellbeing sessions and social events – even if they are virtual. The main thing is to check in with the employees and make sure that there is someone available for them to speak to – such as a mental health first aider.
How can employers avoid stress related claims?
The key thing is to have preventative measures in place, and to be proactive. This can be achieved by having an open-minded approach. Employers should also be aware of the signs of stress and train managers to have the difficult conversations with members of their team. It is also important to have the correct policies and procedures in place, and to follow them consistently and fairly.
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