Diary Dates – March 2021

diary dates

10th March 2021

No Smoking Day – The focus of No Smoking Day is to bring awareness to the dangers of smoking, urging those with the addiction to kick the habit.

20th March 2021

The International Day of Happiness – As we face a global crisis together, let’s find positive ways to look after ourselves and each other. The mantra this year is:

Keep Calm – There are lots of things outside our control. Let’s remember to breathe and focus on what really matters so we can respond constructively.

Stay Wise – Making wise choices helps everyone. Let’s choose positive actions that support our wellbeing and help others to do the same.

Be Kind – We’re all in this together, even when we’re forced apart. Let’s stay connected and reach out to help others who may be in need.

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Posted in Blog, HR.