My Story, Life as a Trainee Accountant

Amelia Start my story life as a trainee.

What attracted you to the apprenticeship program at Nicholsons?

I came here for work experience, and I knew I wanted to come back because of how welcoming everyone was. I was asked how I would like to progress by the leadership team and as a result they put me on the ACCA qualification pathway. Nicholsons is also a local business with its roots in the local community which appealed to my values. The team at Nicholsons were also supportive during my work experience. They are professional and you are treated like an individual rather than someone working in a bigger firm.

What does a typical day look like for you as a trainee accountant at Nicholsons?

To start my day, I will check through my emails and go through my to-do list and prioritise work which will mostly start with accounts and tax work. The work set in my to-do list is allocated to me by the two client managers in my team, they will let me know what work is available and I can then pick it up as and when I am ready to start a new job. After I finish work, I will study for my exams.

How has the training program helped you develop your skills and advance your career in accountancy?

Having an experienced team around me has helped develop my skills and knowledge. When I was in sixth form, I did not get the opportunity to study accountancy so I took maths as a subject which didn’t feel that relatable when I first started. I didn’t know much at all about the work I would do but I was able to ask my mentor and team around me anything and they help me no matter what. It also helps that Nicholsons provide us with lots of useful training. Each year we are given a training plan with allocated online training and that is supplemented with ad hoc training at our weekly meetings. I also enjoy the networking aspect of the job, both locally and nationally. The job allows you to meet different people and make professional connections.

Can you share a memorable experience or project you have been involved in during your time as Nicholsons?

Being at Nicholsons has provided me with experiences outside of my day to day work, such as helping with our stand at the Lincoln College Career Days and speaking to the students about pathways and training options. I have also been involved in organising team quizzes which is fun and brings the whole team together. On top of that I have played a fundraising badminton tournament with Nicholsons and went on a dog walk with some of the team during National Wellness Week.

What kind of support and mentorship have you received from your colleagues and leadership team at Nicholsons?

At Nicholsons in addition to my line manager I also have a mentor. My mentor always helps me with anything. Being able to have someone who is close by and approachable has helped especially as my mentor is relatable because he is only a few steps ahead of me in terms of qualifying. The leadership team support me by suggesting wider reading or course material on areas that are new to me. I like how they noticed I did not know a lot when I first started and saw it as a learning opportunity.

What advice would you give to someone considering joining the trainee program at Nicholsons?

I would suggest that you should ask as many questions as you can and to not see difficulty or getting things wrong as defeat. My line manager said, “The only silly questions are the ones that don’t get asked”. When I first started, I tried to rush into everything and build my knowledge as fast as I could, but actually don’t assume that people expect you to know everything because they don’t and just take it steady in order to progress the best you can.

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