Let our Business Lab team help you build a thriving business that is resilient to the modern-day challenges of business.
Businesses are facing new challenges as the cost of living increases, but there are areas you can focus on to survive and thrive during these turbulent times.
After talking to business owners about what kept them awake at night and what worried them the most about being in business we want to help and do something that can have a positive impact.
Next Session – Half Year Review
Wednesday 27th September 2023, 08:00 – 10:30, The Hub
The session will include some reminders of the previous sessions, and then an open discussion with attendees and the staff who have delivered the content so you can ask any questions.
“We enjoyed the Business Lab – I found it to be a great way to learn informally about various facets of business, which don’t automatically come naturally to me! The content of the first Business Lab was helpful and has left us with a desire to learn from further meetings.”
Business Planning
Employing People
Great Sales
Social/Digital Media
Harnessing Technology
Culture, Health & Wellbeing
Legal Issues
Our research identified 9 areas of running a business that people felt unprepared for. Skills and knowledge that they just didn’t feel they had.
Using this research, we’ve developed a series of workshops around each of the areas. Over 12 months these workshops become a concentrated course to help business owners learn new skills and develop stronger more resilient businesses.
We’re always proactive and so cover topics that are affecting businesses now such as debt collection, cost of living pressures on wages, inflation, and supply chain issues.