Newland House – Back to Work Post C-19 Guidance

Covid 19 Tribunal Claims

Nicholsons Employees –  this guidance is to be read in conjunction with Nicholsons Accountants COVID19 Risk Assessment dated 13 May 2020 and the Back to Work BCP – Final V1 document – both on People HR.

Tenants – please refer to our Risk Assessment dated 13 May 2020 which underpins these guiding principles.

  • A ‘one-way’ traffic flow will operate on the first floor and to and from reception.
  • On entering the building please sanitise your hands using the products on the small table in reception.
  • Use the stairs to access the first floor unless you need to use the lift for health & safety purposes.  Before using the stairs you will need to call upstairs or downstairs to check whether they are currently in use.  Only one person at a time to occupy the lift and access the open-plan area through the double doors near the lift.
  • To move downstairs to use the toilet and to leave the building, use the stairs via the double doors opposite the Conference Room.
  • Wall and floor signage has been placed around the building to provide guidance to direction of movement.
  • Please ensure you remember to fob in and out of the building as normal to maintain an accurate fire log report. In the event of a fire please assembly in the Whisby Road car park using the nearest safe escape route regardless of the one-way system in operation and maintain social distance when congregating in the fire assembly point.
  • Please park your car leaving one space free either side wherever possible.
  • The downstairs kitchen is solely for the use of our tenants who are expected to commence returning to work in small numbers early June.
  • Only one person at a time to use the upstairs kitchen – following the one-way traffic flow you will be able to look into the kitchen before leaving the open-plan area – if occupied, the Newton room can be used as a waiting area but only for one person at a time.
  • Please sanitise your hands before using any of the kitchen equipment – boiler, toaster, microwave etc or handling tea, coffee jars etc.  There is hand sanitiser provided in the kitchen.
  • All food and drink must be consumed at your own workstation/pod and not in the kitchen.  You are encouraged to take a break, stretch your legs, and rest your eyes whilst having a break.
  • The shower must not be used until further notice.
  • The upstairs Ladies & Gents toilet are for Nicholsons exclusive use – these are to be accessed from the double doors in the open-plan area only.
  • If needed, the downstairs unisex toilet can be used as well, but remember that this is a shared toilet with our tenants.  The disabled toilet is solely for the use of those who need it.
  • Social distancing must be maintained at all times – use desk phones rather than standing in the traffic-flow of others.
  • Take particular care when using the Storeroom, Stationery cupboard and Photocopying room.
  • Meeting rooms must not be used unless the meeting is of a sensitive or urgent nature.  If you use a meeting room you must ensure you wipe all points of contact after you have finished using the room and hand sanitise at the earliest opportunity.  The only room permitted for use to abide by social distancing guidelines is the conference room.
  • Video conferencing/virtual meetings must be prioritised for internal and external meetings.  Employees should use headsets to conduct these from their desks using a headset to avoid disruption.
  • The dress code for Nicholsons employees will be smart/casual until further notice – no flip-flops!
  • If in doubt about any of these instructions or you see something which causes concern then you should get in contact with Richard Hallsworth as soon as possible.

Meeting – Monday morning 1 June 2020

Nicholsons Employees – Once all those returning to work on Monday are here, Gail and Peter will hold a short meeting with you to answer any queries and discuss some of the practicalities.

Tenants – please divert your queries to Peter in the first instance or Richard Hallsworth for anything urgent.

We may have to change things around during the week as what may work in theory and on paper just may not be workable on the ground.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Posted in Latest news.