Technology & Digital services for SME’s
We work in a digitally connected world where solid technology and good data management are vital ingredients of business success.
Through our highly experienced team, we provide the very best technology support to business owners.
Cloud Accounting & more
Well organised financial and business management systems can make a difference across so many different levels; organising data, making it easier to find information, reducing the friction in financial transactions, eliminating the time spent on routine day to day tasks and providing valuable insight into performance. Our FinTech solution experts can help identify digital solutions, plan their implementation and help train you and your team.
Making Tax Digital
With a government agenda that is prioritising more digital ways of transferring tax information from businesses to HM Revenue & Customs (The Making Tax Digital project), financial technology has an important role to play in keeping you compliant. Our team can advise on the best options for keeping up to date with the latest taxpayer obligations. Find out more here.
Safety online
With technology playing a more important role across many aspects of business, safety online is a big concern. The increase in hacks, phishing attacks and potential loss of data are a worry for most business owners we speak to. Our SME focused online safety training has been developed with small businesses and their employees in mind. It’s comprehensive, easy to digest and delivered online too!