Do we have to offer workplace testing?
As an employer, you are under no obligation to offer COVID-19 testing to staff, however the Government have emphasised that employers should be regularly testing their staff and are encouraging this. Free rapid tests are available for asymptomatic staff to take; anyone with symptoms should order a PCR test and remain at home. Employees should notify their employer and the NHS if they receive positive test result and then obtain a confirmatory PCR test.
Do I have to consider flexible working requests?
In April 2003, the UK Government introduced the ‘right to request flexible working’ which generally applied to parents and certain other carers. However, legislation now includes all employees with at least 26 weeks’ continuous employment, regardless of parental or caring responsibilities they may or may not have. Employers have a duty to consider a request in a reasonable manner and are only able to refuse a request for flexible working if they can show that one of a specific number of grounds apply.
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