How to make your Workplace COVID-secure

Whilst it’s positive news that workplaces are beginning to reopen, there are steps which all businesses have to take to ensure the safety for their employees. You’ll need to comply with the guidance issued by the government: Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Physical distancing is important, as is practicing good hygiene including frequent hand-washing and sanitising hands regularly. There may be the possibility that masks will become compulsory in the future so ensuring you undertake your risk assessments, share them with employees and regularly review them will be crucial. It is expected by the government that businesses with over 50 employees will publish their risk assessments on their websites.

What next?

The guidance is still that people should continue to work from home where possible which could pose issues when bringing employees back from furlough is concerned – we recommend taking a risk approach to minimise the risk of discrimination claims and ensuring employee concerns are listened to and addressed. It may be that you can consider employees being flexibly furloughed, working alternative hours or a different shift pattern. Some employees may also consider a reduction in their hours if the other alternatives aren’t possible and they aren’t eligible for furlough. They key is communicating regularly with employees, not making assumptions, and keeping good notes on steps you have taken to support employees throughout the pandemic.

Posted in Blog, Covid-19, HR, Payroll.